Structural values

These pedagogical considerations connect play and toys to basic ecologically-oriented values which demand parti pris before they can be translated into the so-called “structural” values which include the layout and functions of the immediate environment.




-     “layout and functions of the home environment


-     “environment functions”

noise, surroundings, play opportunities,

use of the media, possibilities for being alone, etc.


-     “regulatory functions”

structure of time and space and

the influence of the media on these, etc..



Finally, Bloch and Pellegrini (1989) discuss and analyse different conceptual definitions of play’s ecological context (surroundings, conditions) and play’s external universal environmental and system-ecological atmosphere - in such a way as to present these as structural values.

Similarly, Spanhel (1990, 1991, 1992) discusses this and suggests some principals for system-ecological analyses of children’s play. These are discussed later in this book under “Perspectives in the ecological approach to play”.



Table of Contents