Part I - Paradigms, Texts and Codes


Philosophical considerations

Relationships and dialogics


Relativity and logic


Chapter 1 Dialogics and Communication 

Control and consciousness

1. Re universal categories

2. Re the triad system within spheres of investigation

On the origins of consciousness and of the I

The triad concept

A play triad


Chapter 2 Evaluation of the Play Object 


How do we position toys?

How do toys’ characteristics provoke creative thoughts and actions?

How can toys’ characteristics be viewed from a semiotic perspective?

Hegemony and creative play

The concrete, the diffuse and the abstract - as a paradox

Spheres of investigation and triads

Universal pragmatism and the play triad


Chapter 3 The Sign Concept 

Peirce and the triadic sign concept

Primary sign, object/case and interpretation

Summary: Toy semiotics and the play triad

Sender and recipient

Toys as a pragmatic communicator



Chapter 4 Evaluation of Play and Games 


Summary re play

The game

The game and its players

Games as pragmatic communication